
This a dish from Haute Savoie (which is where reblochon, one of my favourite French cheeses, is made). Tartiflette is a classic recipe though, and very widely known in France, if not elsewhere — surprisingly we discovered it from a woman who cooked it on the spot at Lézignan market and served it as a takeaway. Easy to make, and very sustaining! Reblochon is a soft cheese about the size of a camembert.

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Tarte provençale

What I like about marmiton.org isn’t just the fact that among its thousands of recipes there are bound to be at least half a dozen using the ingredients you have to hand. It’s also the comments from visitors improving or adapting the recipe. The original recipe for this tart (which I chose because I had a surfeit of mozzarella to use up) would have turned out a soggy mess — it involved boiling the courgettes and then putting them in a raw pastry case! But by acting on several suggestions from other people I turned out a tasty tart that makes a pleasant change from our usual cheese, tomato and mustard tart.

It’s important to do all the vegetable preparation in order to eliminate as much water as possible, otherwise you will end up with a watery filling and soggy pastry.

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Tarte à la moutarde

Ever since I discovered it in one of those 50p recipe books from Sainsbury’s, this has been one of my favourite recipes. It features fairly often in our repertoire — great for days when you are short of ideas or time for shopping, because most of the ingredients are generally hanging around in the storecupboard or fridge. And we never get tired of it. Extra bonus: it’s vegetarian.

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