The Prize-winning Chinese Yorkshire Pudding

This recipe comes from the “Great Yorkshire Pudding Contest” held in Leeds, as recounted by Jane Grigson in “English Food”. Five native chefs were humiliated by Mr Tin Sung Chan from the Chopsticks Restaurant, who took the top prize with this unorthodox recipe. His pudding, wrote the Guardian’s reporter, “rose to the height of a coronation crown and its taste, according to one of the judges, was superb.”

If you are in the habit of making Yorkshire pudding, you will find the proportions a bit bizarre. But if your puddings always sag, this recipe is definitely worth a try!

1/2 pt milk
4 eggs
Just under 1/2 tsp salt
Dash of pepper
1/2 tsp tai luk (there is no such thing, the chef invented it!)
1/2 lb plain flour, sifted

Pre-heat the oven to mark 8, 450 deg. F. Mix all the ingredients except the flour, beating well together (I used the food processor). Let stand for 15 minutes, then beat in the flour. Heat dripping or oil in a roasting tin in the oven until smoking hot, then pour in the batter and cook for 20 minutes 52.2 seconds.

This recipe is based on one from English Food by Jane Grigson
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5 thoughts to “The Prize-winning Chinese Yorkshire Pudding”

  1. My parents had Grigson’s book. My dad was from Middlesbrough, and always enjoed a good Yorkshire pudding. We used to have them as a whole pan-ful [marvelous]. Then, my mom borrowed her sister’s dopey idea of doing them as popovers, & being very stubborn, stuck with that approach for years. The blessed things always stuck to the cups in the muffin tin, wasting about half. By the time all was served, they had gone cold, greasy & dry!

    I used this “Chinese” recipe and got a fantastic, chewy/crispy, gigantic, alpine, Pavlova of a pudding. Dad loved it; my brother and his family were amazed -although my nephews missed loading up leftover popovers with jam. Consequently, that is the recipe I have been using since 2003.

  2. Hi Donald

    Thanks for your comment! My Yorkshire mother-in-law always makes small individual ones, usually in small Pyrex moulds, and never measures anything — but she has been doing them for over 60 years. Hers are the best I’ve ever had. See here.

  3. LOL! Break down this recipe, and it is the old and basic recipe of 1 cup flour, 1 cup milk, about 1/2 t salt. Only extra eggs were added to make it Yorkshire Pudding. And, threw in a dash of pepper. His secret talent was making it with six ingredients: Tai Luk

    He pulled off a fast one on everyone! Good for him!

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